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 About Brittany


It's hard to condense who I am into a small "About Me" section, but here goes! 

I married my high school sweetheart 15 years ago. We have two boys (Landon, 11 and Greyson, 8). We live in Northern, CA. 

I spent my pre-children career doing business administration. I loved working, but I knew when we started a family I wanted to have the flexibility to be a stay-at-home mama. Through a lot of hard work and sacrifice, we made that happen! I have always "dabbled" with side hustles, in order to supplement our income. I've also done freelance makeup artistry on and off for over a decade. In 2017 I partnered with a brand new beauty brand called Maskcara Beauty. The name has since changed to SEINT Beauty.  I get to have fun with makeup and connect with women online and in-person, which has been a positive outlet for me while being a wife and mama! Working with brands and small businesses has been something I enjoy as well. 


I was able to retire my husband from his law enforcement career, and after a nice long break, he decided to go the entrepreneur route himself, and now is a rockstar sales machine, working from home. It has been the biggest blessing for our boys to have both of us home with them. We have done everything "out of the ordinary" and thinking outside the box is what we've gotten good at. People sometimes look at us like we're crazy, but this roller coaster of a lifestyle somehow works for us. We are happy, we have flexibility, we work really hard, and we are passionate about inspiring others to live a life by design, instead of taking it as it comes. 

The Contoured Life was born out of my desire to reach women, especially at a time in my life where I was craving community and female relationships. Beauty, Makeup and Fashion are all a fun part of what makes up The Contoured Life, but it goes beyond that too. True friendships and connections have come from this online community and I'm thankful for that! If you aren't already, join me in my Facebook group, and be sure you're following me @thecontouredlife on Instagram! 


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